Quotes from Fronteers 2019 in Amsterdam
A summary of the conference in one quote per talk
Charlie Owen: All constraints are beautiful
Facebooks technology choices are made for a giant unimportant app.
Chen Hui Jing: A deep dive into images on the web
This is actually fascinating, at least to me. And I am on the stage. So you have to sit through this.
Christophe Porteneuve: Fun & Games with ES Proxies
Make a proxy of its own! The proxy proxy. You have to get paid better if you do this. It's elite.
Eva Lettner: Paint the Web - Drawing with CSS
Doing nonsensical stuff on the web is what we, I think, are supposed to do.
Jad Joubran: Secrets of Native-like PWAs
Trust me on that one: the web does not need another pop-up.
Rachel Andrew: Who Designed This? Where Web Platform features come from, and how to get involved
You don't need any permission or special qualification to get involved.
Stephen Cook: 100% CSS Mario Kart
Why are we using CSS to make a game? … Why not?
Paul Lewis: Custom Web Shadow Elements, or whatever...
The user is more important than our convenience, in every case.
Jeremy Keith und Remy Sharp: How We Built the World Wide Web in Five Days
Defend simplicity and resilience! It's essential to the web.
Diana Mounter: Component API design and the developer experience
Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction.
Jack Franklin: Components on the Web
If you have a tree of components, it is much easier to dive in and find the code you want to change in isolation.
Ashi Krishnan: Learning from Machines
Molecules are tiny but powerful – like you.
Peter Müller: High Performance Web Fonts
There is a ton of font loading techniques. You don't just need a technique. You need a strategy.
Raymond Camden: It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
If you add things to your website that browser vendors actively try to prevent, you're doing something wrong.
Anjana Vakil: The universe in a single arrow
That's why I am really jazzed to bring you along to my adventure in lambda land.
Lea Verou (@LeaVerou): The web design cheat code: Using SVG to bridge CSS’ gaps
We can have a style element in our SVG, which is a document inside our CSS.
Mandy Michael (@): The Future of Web Typography with Variable Fonts
Alex Russell (@): The Mobile Web: MIA